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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Startopia System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-08-17 15:59:59 Views : 22908 Access All Missions In order to be able to select all missions, open the profile file (\Startopia\Profiles\Name\[player name].stq) in a hex editor and change the byte at 0000015E into 09. Cartoon Mode Hold F11 and press ''tomfdigsmanga'' once to enable, twice to disable. Your game should now look like a cartoon. Speccy Effect How to enable it: Hold [F11] & type [CLIVEROOLZ]. What does it do: See Tom's page for a description. Once = traditional 256x192 pixel Spectrum mode. Twice = high-res Spectrum mode. (i.e. using whatever rez you chose). Thrice = back to normal. Enable Cheats Hold Down the [F11] key and type "RSHIFT". If you have been successful a random message from VAL will drop down - This means you can now use the right shift key while cheating. Speed the Game Up How to enable it: Hold down [F11] and type "RSHIFTSPEEDUP" (a VAL message will drop down once you have typed RSHIFT and another one when you finish typing SPEEDUP). What does it do: If you hold down the right shift key and press the ">" key the game will speed up, the longer you hold it down the faster it goes. Others are... RSHIFT then > = Speed up < = Slow down L = reset to normal speed : = ... Scuzzer Cam How to enable it: Hold down [F11] and type "RSHIFTSCUZZERCAM" (a VAL message will drop down once you have typed RSHIFT and another one when you finish typing SCUZZERCAM). What does it do: puts you in peep cam mode on each of your scuzzers in turn and allows you to flip through them. Hold RSHIFT then NP_7 = forward NP_8 = backward NP means number pad (the square of numerical keys over on the right of a standard keyboard). When you use them the NumLock must be off. Introduction to the cheats of Startopia Many of the cheats in StarTopia need to use the right shift key. The right shift key is normally used in the game for camera movement so the first thing you need to do is enable it's use for cheats. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Startopia cheat codes.
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